Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Moved to a new apartment with SIX roommates. Really like it and they all seem like kind people. Feels good to be out of my mold infested, dank basement, that is owned by one of the stranger old men I have met in my entire life.

Grandma is arriving to Bergen this Friday! Amazing! Watch out Ole Bull! We´re coming to see you :)

Emily Church has invaded Europe! We´re meeting up in Rome and it´s gonna be great. I´ll be the Gregory Peck to her Audrey Hepburn, but hopefully without all the lying and royal scandals...can´t wait to eat some real italian cusine and drink affordable wine surrounded by all that history.

Jeg trenger en jobb! hopefully someone takes pity on this Amerikaner soon!

Last semester in Bergen, so I better make this one count!