Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Things are starting to get busy...

I have band rehearsal Friday night from 6:30-9:30. Saturday 10am-4pm and Sunday 5:30-8:30. WOW! I was surprised when I heard this. No wonder they are the Norwegian Champions! But on the up side we are all having a party on Saturday night to celebrate our hard weekend of rehearsing! So all in all it should be a good time and I am happy to be busy again. And people seemed to be pleased/impressed with my playing which is good to hear. Maybe I actually have a chance of hacking my way into this business after all...

On a low note I was sad to hear that Ted Kennedy passed away. He was a pretty good senator and the only Kennedy brother to die of old age.

Also I found episodes of "How I Met Your Mother" online. yay!

Pictures coming soon. I am in the process or ordering a computer but I might just cave in and go to a camera shop to have a cd made.

One more thing...
I made a new friend who looks exactly like John Turturro. Also he´s from Israel, uses Linux, plays 5 instruments and his last name is Elefant. Interesting fellow.

1 comment:

  1. That's not every weekend is it? 6 hours on Saturday? Whew!
