Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Don't give up on anything even though you may be having some difficulties. Life is never easy!!"

Truer words have never been spoken. These past few weeks have been hard. My left arm has been bothering me making it difficult to practice and work on reeds. Today it is feeling better so I hope I am on the mend. I am hoping that stretching and taking lots of breaks while I practice will solve the problem. I had a really good lesson today which lifted my spirits. I really thrive off of learning and from someone else believing I can do better. I wish I could do that for myself more.
Despite that, I sometimes have my doubts about whether or not I will be able to become a great musician. I wish I could be one of those impervious people who doesn't allow anything to get under their skin. Utterly confident in what they do and how they do it and that they will succeed. That is not me to be sure. It is going to take great courage, dedication and self discipline to become the kind of bassoonist I want to be from the one I am now. And the scary thing is even if I do get there who knows if it will be what I expected or wanted? This is true of anything whether I was planning to be a lawyer or a hair dresser but it is scary neverthelss. I am at that age, nearly 24, where one is still trying to find their way but if you don't figure it out soon all the sudden you will be 30 without much to show for it.

On a completely different topic, Norway was ranked the best place to live in the world by the UN. It has been for the past several years. What's so bad about socialized health care again?

I do miss the US. It is hard to read about how bleak the job crisis has become. I hope with all my heart that it does not affect my own family and friends more than it already has.

To end on a happier note I am very excited that three of my best friends from college will be home for Christmas! It has been two years since we have all been together and this reunion is a long time coming! We have all been in all different parts of the world and I am so excited to hear about what is happening in their lives. They are three of the most wonderful women I have ever met and I am proud to be their friend.
Also the week has come! Em is visiting this week and we are going to have a great time! It will be so nice to see her and to show her the city and what my life looks like here. She is bringing me my computer so I will be able to put pictures up very soon! YAY!

That's all for now. More soon! Love to all my fans! :)

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